Harnessing potential of biological CO2 capture for Circular Economy

This page presents the Handbook of CooCE in the format of a Toolkit, aiming to present in a rapid form the key methods, tools and processes used for the different pathways of the CooCE platform. The toolkit is meant to enable industrial actors and other stakeholders to scope the feasibility and procedures for the production of the main products under the CooCE concept.
The toolkit also presents key results of the CooCE project as part of its exploitation goals. The handbook or toolkit addresses nine main topics for rapid access by users for scoping their own activities related to circular economy and the possibilities of using carbon dioxide captured from different sources, in this case biogas plants. Each topic contains a series of live links that enable the user to access various documents within COOCE’s webpage and other relevant literature.
The topics presented are:
- The CooCE concept
- CCUS and biogas production
- Biomethanation
- Succinic acid
- Succinic acid with biogas upgrade
- Biopolymer production through CCUS
- Circular CO2 to PHB conversion
- Supply chain modeilng
- Social sustainabilit assessment
The Handbook/toolkit is not intended to replace full methods descriptions but is meant instead to provide ready and easy access to variety of methods, information and resources. Each section presents references and links. The handbook is also available in Greek, Italian and Danish. By clicking in each section the user can go directly to that section and clicking toolkit will return the page of all sections.
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