The exploitation of CO2 capture, utilisation, and storage technologies (CCUS) in industrial applications face significant challenges due to the high investment cost and the fierce international competition in the sectors concerned. Nonetheless, it is widely known that these industrial sectors currently account for 20% of global CO2 emissions, and according to the 2-degree scenario of the Paris agreement, they should represent half of the stored CO2 by 2050. In this frame, relevant sectors with high CO2 emissions are for example steel, iron, and cement making, biofuel production and waste incineration plants, oil refining, gas processing, and hydrogen production. The CooCE project has an absolute aim to accelerate the use of CCUS and revolutionize CO2 capture and utilization by closing carbon loops in a circular economy approach.
CooCE targets to develop (TRL 4) and demonstrate (TRL 5-6) a novel biotechnological platform in which CO2 (either from biogas or exhaust gasses) is converted into a) upgraded biofuels for flexible on-site hybrid energy storage and b) high market value platform chemicals, namely biosuccinic acid and polyhydroxyalkanoates, that form the building blocks of various biopolymers and bioproducts.
In this frame, the project will contribute to the shift towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon and climateresilient economy as the expected savings of greenhouse gas emissions from the proposed system will be higher than 100% compared to those generated during the production of conventional gasoline as fuel or corresponding chemicals for polymers. The final products will undergo a preliminary market analysis and be replicated in other relevant industrial scenarios to ensure the large-scale uptake of the CooCE outcomes beyond the project lifetime. This will additionally offer unique opportunities for symbiosis within various high polluting industrial sectors (e.g. cement and steel production) and Renewable Energy providers, significantly fostering climate-resilient economy. Finally, particular attention is given to the enrichment of professional curricula with the principles of CCUS and, for that reason it is envisioned that a bespoke programme, namely “CooCE- Training Programme” will be piloted to personnel from industries and SMEs as well as young professionals.
Within the project, a consortium of commercial and academic partners is formed, with the ambitious goal of developing CCUS processes and integrating them with existing industrial workflows. The work is planned in accordance with the European Sustainable Development Goals and considering Circular Bioeconomy principles.
CooCE is 36 months project and is comprised by 7 work packages (WPs). The WPs feed into each other, as well as deliver independent research results at the highest level.
Here you can read all the leatest news around the CooCE project! Stay tuned to be the first to know about our upcoming news and events!
Sara Giarola, Pablo Basterrechea-Roca, Nilay Shah, Yara Evans, Rocio Diaz-Chavez. 2024. Enhancing the CO2 potential as a bioeconomy enabler. CooCE partners involved: ICL This study
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8th AIEE Energy Symposium on Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security, Padua. Padua, 28-30 November, 2024. CooCE partners involved: ICL Diaz-Chavez R and Evans
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CooCE partners involved: UNIPD, ICL, Lemvig, BTS, ENP, ELGO Holding the final CooCE meeting in person in Padova gave project partners a chance to visit
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With the final meeting held in Padova’s Botanical Garden, the CooCE project has reached a significant milestone as it approaches its conclusion. This event brought
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CooCE partners involved: UNIPD, BTS, ENP, ICL, Lemvig As part of the final CooCE meeting, participants had the opportunity to visit the Gallmann biogas plant
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CooCE partners involved: ALL Delve deep into biological CO2 capture applications! Members of the CooCE ACT project, in a joint effort with the CO2toCH4 LIFE
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Spatola Rossi, T., Francescato L., Treu, L., Campanaro, S. Genetic engineering of Cupriavidus necator’s autotrophic metabolism for enhanced CO2 capture and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) synthesis. 7th
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A contribution by UniPD and BTS was included in the scientific session “Technological solutions for resources recovery from end-of-life products and materials”, which will be
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CooCE partners involved: DTU As part of the dissemination activities of the CooCE project, DTU organized multiple technical visits to their facilities, where the participants
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Spatola Rossi T., Francescato L., Gupte A.P., Favaro L., Treu L., Campanaro S. Harnessing the potential of Cupriavidus necator for CO2 capture from alcoholic fermentation
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The “CooCE Sustain” e-platform constitutes a benchmark of the project. It is an online freely accessible platform allowing the interaction between the project’s outcomes and the end-users/relevant stakeholders (e.g. industry, bio-based producers/ consumers, public authorities etc.). The e-platform includes a holistic CO2 Management
Data Hub containing essential data and outcomes from the project’s WorkPackages.
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