Delve deep into biological CO2 capture applications! Members of the CooCE ACT project, in a joint effort with the CO2toCH4 LIFE project, will present a workshop showcasing innovative CO2 capture and conversion technologies powered by microorganisms. The status and readiness of a diverse array of such approaches for biological CO2 capture will be discussed. The workshop will also touch on the sustainability assessment of the platforms, the strategies of stakeholder engagement, and how to assess technological and economical feasibility of a novel technology. A hands-on session on techno-economic assessment is scheduled.
The workshop will be held on November 26th, 2024, at 14.00 CET, at the Botanical Garden of the University of Padova, Via Orto Botanico 15, Padova. It is possible to join online at the Zoom link below. Save the date and do not miss this invaluable opportunity to discuss biological CO2 capture with researchers and SMEs belonging to the field!
Zoom link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/86832800683
Link to conference website here.
Link to Twitter post here.