Technical University of Denmark - DTU
Research Institute

Technical University of Denmark - DTU

DTU was founded in 1829 with the mission of creating value for the benefit of society. Currently, DTU is a leading university in the areas of the technical and the natural sciences with international recognition, renowned for its business-oriented approach and its focus on sustainability, where education, scientific advice, and innovation rest on a solid foundation of world-class research.

The BioConversions group at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of DTU is led by Prof. Irini Angelidaki. Her main research field lies within the frame of waste/wastewater treatment systems with special focus on the development of biotechnological processes for conversion of organic matter to biochemicals and bioenergy. Her research work spans across multiple areas including microbiology and process technology, process optimization, molecular methods for characterization of bacteria, anaerobic digestion, algae, bioelectrochemistry, and biorefineries. She has collaborated with a large number of universities around the world, as well as with industry and other organizations, and she has coordinated/participated in a large number of projects financed from EU and national funding. Other members of the team are Dr. Antonio Grimalt-Alemany, whose research focuses on the study of the metabolism of bacteria and microbial communities in fermentation process, and Dr. Ioannis Zacharopoulos, whose research focus lies within the design and modeling of bioprocesses for producing green chemicals.

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