United Arab Emirates

Key climate policy targets

  • UAE Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative and currently UAE working on the National Net Zero Strategy 2050
  • 2nd Nationally Determined Contribution – NDC on 2020 with United Arab Emirates (UAE) presents an economy-wide emission reduction target relative to BAU. The country projects the BAU scenario to reach 310MtCO2 in 2030. The country aims to
    reduce 23.5% by 2030, relative to the BAU scenario (UAE NDC, 2020).
  • UAE Hydrogen Leadership roadmap (2021)
  • 2022- UAE is on track to submit its revised 2nd Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).
  • 2022- UAE launched the National Net Zero by 2050 Pathway, which sets the timeframe and identifies the mechanisms of
    implementing the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative, introduced in October 2021.
  • 2023- UAE submit its revised 3rd edition to the 2nd Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

Current government initiatives/strategy for CCUS

  • Hosted a CCUS Workshop that brought together the finance sector as well as industry to accelerate financing and deployment of CCUS projects.
  • 2023: Launch the Updating the National Energy Strategy 2050 in partnership with Khalifa University (KU) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • 2023: Launch the National Hydrogen Strategy which will include the CCUS/CCS hubs
  • 2023 Hydrogen Regulatory framework

Deployment policies and programmes in place

  • ADNOC Announces Comprehensive 2030 Sustainability Goals and CCUS expansion capacity of 500% in the next 10 years.
  • 2023 – UAE Announce Carbon Capture and Mineralization (CCM) technology project to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere was announced. Fujairah pilot will be the region’s first CCM project by ADNOC, 44.01’s Earthshot prize-winning and include FNRC and Masdar, the pilot technology that permanently mineralizes carbon dioxide (CO2) within rock formations found in the Emirate of Fujairah. It will be, due to commence in January 2023, The project will be powered by solar energy supplied by Masdar. A
    successful pilot would open the possibility of mineralizing billions of tons of captured CO2 across the region.
  • Hosting the MENA headquarters of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute at Masdar city underlines the UAE’s commitment to practical solutions to climate challenges.

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