Harnessing potential of biological CO2 capture for Circular Economy

Key climate policy targets
- 85 % reduction target by 2045, baseline 1990, after 2045 negative emissions
- CCS is an important technology to reduce emissions in otherwise hard-to-abate sectors
- Bio-CCS is important as supplementary measure, most likely the biggest source – large potential of at least 10 million tonnes p.a. 2030

Government actions and assignments CCS
- National centre for CCS as a part of the Swedish Energy Agency
- Treaty with Norway – London protocol
- Reporting and accounting (Swedish Energy Agency & The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)
Deployment policies and programmes in place
- The Industrial Leap shall support huge and complex technology leaps, focusing on carbon dioxide-intensive industries, long term 2018-2040. 70 million €/year 2020-2022 whereof 10 million €/year to bio-CCS.
- Support scheme for bio-CCS. Reverse auctions first auction 2023.
Priorities going forward
Reporting and accounting, Article 6, facilitate a market for CDR-all connected.
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